Concept: Browsing Facebook Videos on TV
When I first started to work on Smart TV features, Facebook has not yet entered the video-production business. There were Facebook apps for smart TV platforms (because a smart device must have the most-used app, right?), but do people really read text posts on TV? I've been thinking about the common base between the user behaviors of social media and TV, since social media is taking time and attention away from traditional media. Well, here it is --
The "mindless scrolling".
This is not invented by the internet. Even back in the old days, people enjoy channel surfing on their couch.
In a lay-back experience, making informed selection could mean too much work. (UI source: Facebook Video app for TV)
So here is a quick idea where audience uses the UP and DOWN buttons on a remote control to scroll through full-screen video player UIs.
Another issue social media faces on TV platform is that social media contents are personalized to individual, while TV is a shared device among family. I'll take on this topic in a future post. Meanwhile, let me know your experience streaming online videos, and your ideas about customized vs. shared content on TV!