Think Deeply about People and Processes



This navigation idea provides personalized direction based on flight information and check-in process through smartwatch.

ui w watch.png

This is a self project spinned off from a casual discussion on air travel experience. I discovered an opportunity for digital design to improve the efficiency in airport (read full article here). Below are true experiences of me as a solo traveler in a hurry.

Find terminal.png
Should I keep looking for Sprint or pick a random Security line?

I mapped questions I had at each stage along the journey. The airport's navigation system has all the answers, but they cannot respond to the travelers.


The solution is a smart assistant that helps the traveler:

  • capture all navigation info available in the airport
  • match the navigation with user's individual case
  • provide direction that is right-on-spot and right-on-time

I chose wearables on purpose for its hands-free interaction when users are carrying luggage. The key of designing for watch faces is arranging elements within a very limited space.

First, I distilled a minimum amount of information.

Key Info.png

Beacon technology is used to display only navigations that the user needs.Even when a destination is out of sight, the user can still be informed of its location.

how it works.png

Secondly, I explored various solutions for optimal layout:

I designed it as a concept feature by Google Now, because most people will only need this service when traveling; the feature should be integrated in a product that have already been widely adopted for easier conversion. 


So, what are your thoughts? Have you encountered other issues navigating in the airport and you'd love to discuss? Feel free to contact me about your thoughts on designing for a connected world.