Think Deeply about People and Processes



WeCare is a mobile application I created for a design challenge. As I got to fully control the pace, this project well represented my design process. The entire project took 3-4 days from problem framing to visual style planning.

The challenge was about ease the customer's experience of finding a doctor, scheduling an appointment and managing prescriptions for a healthcare provider. I happened to know a friend who had to undergo a surgery around that time, so I interviewed him and identified his needs unmet by existing products.

Synthesizing the findings from my research, I developed process flows and information architecture for the three tasks, which also informed my wireframes.


I was asked show a mood board for visual styles. I was looking for something peaceful and soothing for a healthcare product:

Mood Board


I also created some quick UI samples to showcase the selected style:



I personally had very little experience with United State's healthcare infrastructure. Later I realized that people with chronic diseases may more likely be the target user of such an app and would have completely different needs and habits. If I could do this again, I would love to design for these users.